State-owned enterprise "Higher college of geodesy and cartography" of Educational department of East Kazakhstan region

Общежитие – приятный дом для вас

15/03/2021 «Справедливое поколение - будущее страны» 15 марта 2021 года заведующая общежитием Байжуманова Г. С. организовала внеклассное мероприятие на тему «Справедливое...

Library of CSGE «College of geodesy and cartography»

АРТЫҚ ҒЫЛЫМ КІТАПТА ВСЯ МУДРОСТЬ - В КНИГАХ ALL  WISDOM IS IN BOOKS Electronic textbooks: By qualification - 4S07310202 -...

Psychologist’s advice

01/04/2021 School of the beginning teacher On April 1, 2021, the Higher College of Geodesy and Cartography, according to the...

Medical service

Rakhimberdinova Ainur Serikkalievna Education: Educational institution "Avicenna" Medical College Specialty: "Medical business" Current position: Medical worker Work experience: 4 years...