Abdrashitova Olga Leonidovna teacher of special disciplines
Abdrashitova Olga Leonidovna
“Semipalatinsk topographic College»
Specialty: Applied geodesy»
“Siberian state geodetic Academy»
Specialty: Applied geodesy»
Present position: teacher of special disciplines
Work experience: 22 years
Qualification category: second category
Refresher course:
- “Geodetic works in the construction of high-rise residential buildings (30 or more floors)” Siberian state University of geosystems and technologies, 2015.;
- “Theoretical and practical training of the operator for the management of geosan 101 unmanned complex”, LLC “GEOSCAN”, Astana, 2016.;
- “Technologies for remote sensing and monitoring of the objects” company “Geoskan”, Astana, 2016.;
- “Implementation of educational programs of technical and vocational education, developed on the basis of modular competence – based approach”, non-commercial JSC “holding Kasipkor” center of vocational education., 2017.
1.Diploma Of education Department of East Kazakhstan region.
16 May 2018