State-owned enterprise "Higher college of geodesy and cartography" of Educational department of East Kazakhstan region

Pedagogical composition

Abdrakhmanova Marjane Boltz


Kspc ” College of geodesy and cartography»

Specialty: Geodesy and cartography»

State University. Shakarim state University of Semey

Specialty: Geodesy and cartography»

Present position: teacher of special disciplines

Work experience: 2 years

Refresher course:

  1. “Geodetic instruments in the construction of high-rise residential buildings (30 or more floors)” Shakarim state University of Semey, 2015.;
  2. “Youth and science” – Geodesy and geographic information systems-Shakarim Semey state University, 2015


Ablakatheva Toty Erzhanovna


SOE “College of geodesy and cartography»

Specialty: “Geodesy and cartography»

“Siberian State University of geosystems and technologies»

Specialty: “Geodesy and remote sensing»

Position: teacher of special disciplines

Work experience: 2 years 8 months.

Refresher course:

1.”Modern technologies of geodetic works at engineering-geodetic surveys” State University. Shakarima G. Semey, 2017;

2.”Innovative educational methods and technologies in the system of game pedagogy”, international educational Association “EUROPASIA»,

Year 2017.


The branch of state enterprise “Cassette” “Sagashiteta” Committee for construction, housing and utilities and land resources management of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017


Aubakirova Gaukhar Aubakirovna

Kspc ” Semipalatinsk College of geodesy and cartography»
Specialty: “Applied geodesy»
Semipalatinsk state University named after Shakarim
Specialty: “Geodesy and cartography»
Position: teacher of special disciplines
Work experience: 8 years
Refresher course:
1. “Geodetic works in the construction of high-rise residential buildings (30 or more floors).” Siberian state University of geosystems and technology, 2015;
2. “Methods of teaching the subject “Informatics” in colleges ” Institute of advanced training and retraining, 2016



Beksultanova Zarina Borankulova


Kspc ” College of geodesy and cartography»

Specialty: “Aerial Geodesy»

“Semipalatinsk state University. Shakarim.»

Specialty: Geodesy and cartography»

Present position: teacher of special disciplines

Total work experience: 7 years

Qualification category: second category

Refresher course:

  1. “Technologies for remote sensing and monitoring of the objects” company “Geoskan” Astana, 2016.;
  2. “Theoretical and practical training of the operator for the management of geosan 101 unmanned complex”, LLC “GEOSCAN” Astana, 2016.;
  3. “Modern technologies of geodetic works in engineering and geodetic surveys”State University. Shakarima, Semey, 2017;
  4. “Innovative educational techniques and technologies in the system of game pedagogy” , international educational Association “EUROPASIA”, 2017.;
  5. “Features of the introduction of credit-modular technology of training in organizations of technical and vocational education” non-commercial joint stock company “holding Kasipkor” center for vocational education, 2017.


Branch of state enterprise “Kazgeodeziya” “Shygysgeodeziya” Committee for construction, housing and communal services and land management of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016.


Letter of thanks from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of TPE EKR.


Ergesheva ASEM Kenzhebekovna


Kspc ” Semipalatinsk College of geodesy and cartography»

Specialty: Cartography»

“Semipalatinsk state pedagogical Institute»

Specialty: history and geography teacher

“State University. Shakarim state University of Semey»

Specialty: Geodesy and cartography»

Present position: teacher of special disciplines

Work experience: 12 years

Qualification category: second category

Refresher course:

  1. “Geodetic works in the construction of high-rise residential buildings (30 or more floors)” Siberian state University of geosystems and technologies, 2015.;
  2. “The use of information technology in the drawing lessons” center for innovative educational technologies, 2015.;
  3. “Teacher of the new formation of the system of technical and vocational education “noncommercial JSC” holding Kasipkor ” center of vocational education, 2016.;
  4. “Innovative educational techniques and technologies in the system of game pedagogy” , international educational Association “EUROPASIA”, 2017.


  1. Letter of thanks of the military unit 36803;
  2. Letter of thanks from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of TPE EKR.


Capova Ainur Abdukarimovna


Kspc ” Semipalatinsk College of geodesy and cartography»

Specialty: Cartography»

“Semipalatinsk state University. Shakarim.»

Specialty: Geodesy and cartography»

Present position: teacher of special disciplines

Total work experience: 10 years

Refresher course:

“Innovative educational techniques and technologies in the system of game pedagogy” , international educational Association “EUROPASIA”, 2017.



Makpal Nurlankyzy


Kspc ” Semipalatinsk College of geodesy and cartography»

Specialty: Cartography»

“Semipalatinsk state University. Shakarim.»

Specialty: Geodesy and cartography»

Present position: teacher of special disciplines

Work experience: 10 years



Sadvakasova Asemgul Haralanova

Semipalatinsk College of geodesy and cartography»
Specialty: “Aerophotogeodesy»
“Semipalatinsk state University. Shakarima»
Specialty: “Geodesy and cartography»
Current position: teacher of special disciplines
Work experience: 15 years
Qualification category: the second category
Refresher course:
1. “Teacher of a new formation of the system of technical and professional education” non-profit JSC “holding” Kasipkor ” Center of professional education, 2016;
2. “Technology in writing essays and test tasks” Center for innovative educational technologies, 2016;
3. “Modern technologies of geodetic works in engineering surveys” State University. Shakarima G. Semey, 2017
Branch of RSE “Kazgeodeziya “”Shygysgeodeziya” Committee for construction, housing and communal services and land management of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017
Certificate of honor Of the Department of education of East Kazakhstan region.


 24 May 2018