“Mother’s house”
In the framework of the project “mother’s House” on February 18, our College was visited by one of the coordinators of the project “mother’s House” Nurtazina.
The aim of the project “mother’s House” is to prevent the mother’s refusal from the baby and the preservation of the child in the blood family. . For 6 years the mother Houses more than 3,700 women get timely, targeted social assistance from the Fund, and their children do not get in children’s homes, and remained in the family.
A conversation was held with students in order to explain the following concepts to students:
The Foundation of society is the family.
Parents are responsible for the upbringing of their children.
The child should be brought up in the family.
In our country there should be no abandoned children, orphans.
Every parent is responsible for the upbringing of their child as the most intelligent, decent, responsible, conscientious citizen of their homeland.