State-owned enterprise "Higher college of geodesy and cartography" of Educational department of East Kazakhstan region

Week of psychology

From December 23 to 27, the higher College of geodesy and cartography held a week of psychology.

The week started with the “Fill your heart with friendship” campaign. Early in the morning in the main building of the College educational psychologist Satova B. J. and 2nd year student group 205 Alilueva Element met students and teachers, offering to fill your heart with butterflies, writing to them their wishes. Students and teachers performed tasks with interest.

On December 24, Art therapy “mandala Weaving” was held for 2nd year students of group 205″

Goal: to activate the creative activity of students.

Mandala ( – an object that projects the inner state of a person, his unconscious, “the reality of the inner world”.  Drawing has healing properties for the person who creates it. Creating a mandala, according to psychotherapists, plunges us into a meditative state that makes us especially receptive to the messages of our inner world.

In the process of creating Mandalas, you achieve:

improving self-esteem;
harmonizations of the left and right hemispheres;
strengthening the nervous system and improving mental health;
improving stress tolerance and adaptation;
development of creativity and intuition.

On December 25, Board games “UNO” and “Alias” were held for students living in dormitories.

Alias (alias, Elias, say otherwise) — a Board game in which the goal of players is to explain the hidden word to teammates (in some cases, and players of the opposite team), without using gestures and pronouncing the hidden word and words of the same root with it.

Players are divided into groups, and the number of players in each group does not have to be equal. “Alias” is one of the most popular Board games for parties and large companies. It combines the spirit of competition and fun situations that are sure to arise in the course of explaining complex words and phrases.

UNO is definitely one of the most popular Board games. Along with such masterpieces as Codenames or Say Otherwise, it is a mandatory component of any game library, fun for all times and spaces, an ageless classic of the world of card games! UNO rules are explained in a minute, and you can enjoy the game for hours!

The main goal is to quickly reset all available cards. There are two options for summing up the final results. In any choice of summing up the results, the first eliminated participant is considered the winner of UnoGame.

December 26, wall newspaper exhibition “Interesting psychology”.

Goal: adaptation of sophomores, strengthening of students ‘psychological health, development of individual creative abilities, formation of students’ interest in psychology as a science.

On December 27, a training session was held in the 205 group “Me and my friends”.

Goals: to Help participants understand the qualities of a true friend, to analyze their own qualities that help to make friends, to form an idea of the need to maintain friendly relations, to learn to make efforts for their development.

 27 January 2020